The peculiar circumstance of Mary that happens to be a virtuous virgin was capsizing into ridicule and shape. It was about becoming an issue of public purview and serious embarrassment to her that she was caring a pregnancy of unknown source. One may picture the confusion and conflict that would have engulfed her mind and perhaps, her desires or unvoiced prayers for divine vindication. It was in the midst of these that heaven intervened.
Beginning with a revelation given to the principal actor – Joseph; when he was told not to be afraid to take Mary as a wife and was also instructed to call the name of the child JESUS.When God is involved in our situation, He will find his ways of clearing issues and vindicate us. It will turn out to become a public testimony. God of heaven shall appear to those who matter in our affairs and commend us powerfully so that every negative thought shall be rescinded, evil publications retracted and satanic enactment revoked.
-By Jokpeme Joseph Omode