Iran to get Boeing planes via Germany

A German company says it plans to lease a dozen Boeing planes to Iran in the near future.
Iran is yet to enter into serious talks with US aviation giant Boeing over the purchase of planes but new indications are appearing that show the country could soon get a dozen Boeing airplanes through Germany. 
Kianoush Ranjbar, the managing director of Ran Invest GmbH, told Press TV on Sunday that at least 12 Boeing planes will be leased to Iran. Ranjbar said the planes will be 737 and 767 models and will be leased to Iran’s national flag-carrier Iran Air. 
He added that the planes will be used for direct flights from Iran to Germany as well as other long destinations.
“Discussions over the issue are currently underway in Tehran and will be finalized within the next few days,” Ranjbar told Press TV. 
The official further emphasized that planes are planned to be delivered to Iran during the next month visit to Tehran by the German Economy Minister and Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel – his second visit in less than six months. 
The implementation of the agreement will set the stage for wider cooperation between Iran and Germany in the area of tourism. 
Ranjbar was part of a trade delegation which is visiting Iran from Germany’s northwestern state of Lower Saxony.  The delegation – which is led by Stephan Weil, the prime minister of Lower Saxony, arrived in the Iranian capital Tehran on Friday. 
Germany was the first country to send diplomats to Iran immediately after the finalization of talks between Iran and the P5+1 over a nuclear deal that envisaged the removal of sanctions against the Islamic Republic in return for certain steps that it would take to limit some aspects of its nuclear energy activities.
Germany’s Vice Chancellor Gabriel arrived in Iran in late January at the head of a major business and diplomatic delegation.
Gabriel held several top-level meetings in Tehran to discuss ways to expansion mutual trade ties now that the sanctions against Iran have been lifted.
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