A man is suing his estranged wife for ‘every penny’ he spent on her son after discovering the eight-year-old was not his. He has taken her to the High Court after it came to light the boy was fathered by someone she had an affair with.
The DailyMail UK reported the man has been barred from publicising the name of the real child’s biological father.
He also wants damages to compensate for distress. Mr Justice Cohen said the boy must not be told ‘until the time was right’. He said a social worker would give advice and decide when the boy should be given the information.
The DailyMail UK reported the man has been barred from publicising the name of the real child’s biological father.
He also wants damages to compensate for distress. Mr Justice Cohen said the boy must not be told ‘until the time was right’. He said a social worker would give advice and decide when the boy should be given the information.