Don’t Meddle in Politics: Mutsvangwa Warns NGOs
16 MAY, 2021 - 00:05
Ray Bande in Marange for Zimbabwe Sunday Mail
NON Governmental Organisations (NGOs) meddling in politics risk being deregistered if they persist with machinations to destabilise the country, ZANU PF Secretary for Administration in the Women’s League, Cde Monica Mutsvangwa, has said.
In her address during the ZANU PF Women’s League small enterprises exhibition at Bezel Bridge in Marange yesterday, Cde Mutsvangwa, who is also Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister, said the country’s leadership has noted with concern the increasing number of NGOs that are deserting their primary objectives to dabble into Zimbabwe’s internal politics.
“I have been told that there is an NGO that is meddling in politics and we really want to make it clear that it is not acceptable.
“In fact, the country’s leadership has noted with concern the growing number of NGOs that are abandoning what they came to do in this country, all for the purposes of delving into our politics.
“We are all aware that NGOs operate within their purview as registered with the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare.
“But, if they decide to involve themselves in politics then they will be deregistered,” she said.
Cde Mutsvangwa said unlike previous years, Zimbabwe will not import grain this year on account of the bumper harvest that was achieved as a result of a good rainfall season.
“For the first time in so many years, the country will not be importing grain because we have enough in our fields ready for harvest.
“Perhaps we will only need to take maize meal from areas where it is in abundance and distribute it to those areas that did not manage to harvest enough,” she said.
Cde Mutsvangwa said ZANU PF continues to rejuvenate its structures ahead of the 2023 elections.
“It is time as a party that we embrace young leaders. Let us not have a culture of shunning young people when they express interest in certain positions of leadership. We need them.
“The investors that we are engaging in long term development initiatives need to see that we have young people that will inherit the wealth of this country,” she said.